Bomcrewmall is an industry leader in providing FedEx Standard Women's Pilot Shirt. Experience unmatched quality and style tailored specifically for FedEx pilots, setting a new standard in aviation attire. Check out the features that make us different:
- The Pilot Shirt Color is white as it should be
- 2 Fabric Choice- 1. LOCKHEED-Polycotton, 2. MIAMI-Cottonpoly
- Standard sizes from Size36 up to Size50
- Custom Sizing is available if needed
- Single Point Stitching.
Most pilots, take pride in their uniforms and many due to their stature find it difficult to get a Perfect Shirt.
Bomcrewmall has worked very hard over 3 decades to resolve and build the perfect FedEx Standard Pilot shirt for female pilots by understanding their Needs, Desires, and Problems.