Women's lace - trimmed satin clutch bags for formal occasionsUnited Standard Women's Pilot Shirt

SZE US-EURO 2-34 4-36 6-38 8-40 10-42 (+USD $2.99) 12-44 (+USD $2.99) 14-46 (+USD $2.99) 16-48 (+USD $4.99) 18-50 (+USD $4.99) 20-52 (+USD $4.99)

United Standard Women's Pilot Shirt

For the past three decades, Bomcrewmall has been the preferred choice for women pilots for purchasing United Standard Women's Pilot Shirts. The exceptional qualities that set us apart include:

  • The pilot Shirt Color is white as it should be
  • 2 Fabric Choice- 1. LOCKHEED-Polycotton, 2. MIAMI-Cottonpoly
  • Standard sizes from Size2 up to Size20
  • Custom Sizing is available if needed
  • Single Point Stitching.

Team Rodeo Drive has worked very hard over 3 decades to resolve and build United standard Pilot Shirts for female pilots by understanding end users’ Needs, Desires, and Problems and leading the way for socially conscious businesses with our unique WIN WIN & WIN formula.